Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Asenjo will stay at the seminar ruled out after the Archbishop's Palace

The vicar general of the Archdiocese and dean of the cathedral, Francisco Ortiz Gomez, was on hand to receive the coadjutor archbishop-elect of the Diocese Hispalense in the absence of Cardinal Amigo, who was traveling in Rome to be received in audience by Pope Benedict XVI. Asenjo met several church-owned buildings and everything indicates that it has chosen to stay at the Metropolitan Seminary, being the property that covers their needs with greater assurance, even as the bishop of Cordoba will be installed in Seville with his mother. The seminar has the presence of religious Teatinos working in the nearby clinic of Fatima, a health service that, logically, should have inlfuir in the decision. Another has been Shuffler option as a residence for the new prelate is the House of Priests of the Scholarship street, located in the vicinity of the Alameda de Hercules and built by the Government of Andalusia as one of the contraprestaciones on disposal of the Palacio de San Telmo . Both at the Metropolitan Seminary, located on the street Tarfia the neighborhood of Heliopolis, as in the House of Priests, there are apartments or special areas for the cardinal archbishop, who does not use them and, therefore, are free and ready. Two options seem to have already been definitively ruled out are the Archbishop's Palace itself, where are those known as free units of the Nuncio, and some of the floors that inhabit many of the canons of the Cathedral located on the Avenue of the Constitution, compared Home to the church of San Miguel del Metro. Official sources confirmed to this newspaper yesterday that the Archbishop's Palace was offered as a residence for the new prelate, but he preferred choice for reasons already stated. Cardinal Amigo himself did not live at the Archbishop's Palace when he arrived in Seville in May 1982. He was almost to the month of November to reside at the Palacio de San Telmo, then headquarters of the Metropolitan Seminary, until he is properly conditioned premises at the Archbishop's Palace, where he lived with Cardinal Bueno Monreal until his death in Pamplona in 1987. Bishop Asenjo take office as coadjutor archbishop of Seville next Jan. 17 in a solemn celebration in the Cathedral. He conducted a first official greeting to the diocese of Seville in which he has pledged loyalty to working with Cardinal Amigo, which fulfills the 75 years of age his retirement on August 23 next year, and which has referring to all groups working for the Church of Sevilla in their various areas of intervention

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